Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Who is Steven Cruz?

     "The visible man", as he refers to himself is Steven Cruz.  Who would have thought that the space race started in 1957 by the launch of the Sputnik would bring  about such enlightenment to Steven Cruz.  Receiving his degree in 1962 for engineering as well as a Masters in business secured Steven a very prosperous future.  The truth of the matter being he was a token minority member that was getting ahead because he was a safe choice for corporate white America.  Supervising at Procter and Gamble opened his eyes to racism and the active role he played in it.  He realized that he being a Mexican could never really get ahead at Procter and Gamble so he quit.  I think that was a big mistake on his part.  White Corporate America should be used, abused, and milked for every dime.   An African American male or female, a Mexican male or female, any minority in a token role and there making good money, living comfortablly I say stick it, to "The Man".  I understand that racism is alive and active due to the ignorance of small minded men.  I also think The Great Society, that ex-president Lyndon B. Johnson's antipoverty program established is a trap for the minorities to this very day.  I agree with Steven Cruz.  It doesn't matter whether we're called Black, African American, or Negro as long as one of us is working  in a managerial position.  With the door open to other minorities to join the ranks of corporate big wigs I would careless what i was called.  Everyone in America be they Black, White, Mexian, or  Asian we all want the "American Dream".  I agree that no sane individual in our nation wants to lose or be considered a looser.  I also think that education is the key to being successful.  Education is the only way to make it in life and be considered successful by one's peers.  As an unemployed African American male I choose to further my education and start my own business.  Maybe I can inspire the next "visible man" to reach for success.

Malcolm X Can Read

     Malcolm X was a literary beast with a passion for learning that ultimately changed his life.  We know he was a pimp,hustler, drug dealer and user.  It all changed because of God opening his mind and heart to his words of power and strength.  I personally believe that the Nation of Islam under Elijah Muhammad killed El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz  because he knew the truth.  The truth being that the Muslim religion was never meant to be a black boys club that rallies for the black man and means death for the white man.  The Nation of Islam preaches hate of the white race, Malcolm knew the truth after his pilgrimage to Mecca  revealed that black, white, Asian, and any other race or nationality worshiped together as brothers.  Self education can open a world of possibilities, it took Malcolm from being a low life thief to one of the great black leaders of our time.  I say be careful what you choose to believe about the truth of the Muslim religion.   Malcolm saw the bigger picture because he made the choose to educate himself.  He was impressed how a fellow inmate used his words to express himself.  The inmate that gave Malcolm X the desire to learn was named Bimbi.  I won't use this time to bash the murders of Malcolm X because they are more than likely all dead anyway.  I will take the time to say this, I think the federal government as well as the Nation of Islam's leaders Murdered Malcolm X out of fear and shame.  The message the Nation of Islam has made painfully clear is that black men that learn the truth and try to share the knowledge with his brothers will be killed.  I think it's safe to say that Malcolm's passion for knowledge literally brought him closer to God or Allah.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


"Even if there are two hundred million stone-cold idiots in this country, that leaves at least 80 million who'll get what I'm saying--and that's still more than the populations of the United Kingdom and Iceland combined!" This ex cert is taken from Michael Moore's Idiot Nation.   In my opinion he feels the way many educated American feel.  With forty-four million Americans being functioning illiterates; and two hundred million that can read but simply choose not to read. This shows the world that we go out of our way to "REMAIN IGNORANT."  During the time this paper was written our U.S. President was George W. Bush Jr.. A man in my opinion that has been one of the most saddest leaders of our great country to date.  The man said on national television that he was a mediocre  student at Yale.  Mind you he is saying this to the 2001 graduating class of Yale students.  Bush is quoted Saying, "And to the C students, I say you too, can be President of the United States!"  What kind of Idiot would make a statement like that to the future leaders of America?  Michael Moore is concerned about the state of education in our United States  of America.  I can't personally worry about the entire country.  All I can do as an individual is to learn all i can about the subject I've choose to study.  By gaining the knowledge I need to ensure my future and that of my family is successful and secure.  As an African American male in the United States i know the power of a good education.  I also know that the Voting Rights Act of nineteen sixty-five guaranteed equal voting rights for all African Americans.  I lost my right to vote because of criminal activities I envolved myself in.  I feel truly helpless knowing the fight being fought by my people; I can't take part in because I became part of George W. Bush's Idiot Nation.

Monday, March 19, 2012


     We as men find ourselves trying to live up to the guy code set by generations before us.  I personally will wear any color i want to wear.  I would wear a pink shirt, pink shoes, and have a fly Steve Harvey suit that was pink.  I don't fall into the trap of letting another man tell me what manly is and what being a wimp is.  I grew up around my father on alternate weekends after the divorce.  I can't comment on how all families raised their men but i can comment on how my black Southern father brought me up. My weekends with my father were spent camping, horseback riding, bar b.queuing, and shooting my fathers guns. We are all so concerned about being strong men that sometimes we forget to be the best human being we can be.  I am confused quite often about why men feel that it's so important to put on the tough guy role?  If another man doesn't think that my actions are manly enough... well i guess i would have to show them what a real man does when his man hood is questioned.
     We are raised to be the best men we can be.  The strongest, the bravest, the one in control of any situation.  Homosexuality is the polar opposite of being a real man.  God didn't create Adam and Evan, or Eve and Amanda.  I think it's a sickening situation the way homosexuality is now pushed on society.  We have television, magazines, movies, that all have same sex eroticism.  The Devils media connection is undermining the world.  Are you man enough to stand alone for what's right?  Or will you fall in line and follow the leader.     

Monday, March 5, 2012

Frank's Living It

     I liked the story of how a poor ridiculed little boy grew up to become one of the nations elite billionaires. I would love to live like Tim Blixseth jetting from city to city, state to state, and country to country. I know i would make million and billion dollar deals all over the world. Although I think i would enjoy a billionaire lifestyle i would live differently, my time would be split fifty fifty. I would spend six months out of the year doing charity work. I feel with the amount of money Tim Blixseth is playing with that he should be doing more for the underprivileged. Instead of spending a fortune to build an overpriced luxury get away that the ultra rich live at on a whim of convenience, it should have been spent to give hope to the homeless and helpless. I honestly believe that with great power comes great responsiblity.  I do think that Tim is fooling himself into believeing  he's just a regular guy. A guy like me can't sail my yacht to anywhere in America because i don't have the yachts, private jets, or three hundred twenty thousand dollar luxury vehicles to get around in. I think Tim goes to Starbucks to look at the little people and keep himself in checkmate. I feel he wants to enjoy his money but doesn't have a chance to enjoy it because he is always chasing money. I don't really know what i would do to start off making my first million dollars. The story of Tim Blixseth shows how anyone growing up with adversity can become a success. From a poor welfare child he used his savvy business sense to become a billionaire Richistani.