Monday, March 5, 2012

Frank's Living It

     I liked the story of how a poor ridiculed little boy grew up to become one of the nations elite billionaires. I would love to live like Tim Blixseth jetting from city to city, state to state, and country to country. I know i would make million and billion dollar deals all over the world. Although I think i would enjoy a billionaire lifestyle i would live differently, my time would be split fifty fifty. I would spend six months out of the year doing charity work. I feel with the amount of money Tim Blixseth is playing with that he should be doing more for the underprivileged. Instead of spending a fortune to build an overpriced luxury get away that the ultra rich live at on a whim of convenience, it should have been spent to give hope to the homeless and helpless. I honestly believe that with great power comes great responsiblity.  I do think that Tim is fooling himself into believeing  he's just a regular guy. A guy like me can't sail my yacht to anywhere in America because i don't have the yachts, private jets, or three hundred twenty thousand dollar luxury vehicles to get around in. I think Tim goes to Starbucks to look at the little people and keep himself in checkmate. I feel he wants to enjoy his money but doesn't have a chance to enjoy it because he is always chasing money. I don't really know what i would do to start off making my first million dollars. The story of Tim Blixseth shows how anyone growing up with adversity can become a success. From a poor welfare child he used his savvy business sense to become a billionaire Richistani.

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