Wednesday, March 21, 2012


"Even if there are two hundred million stone-cold idiots in this country, that leaves at least 80 million who'll get what I'm saying--and that's still more than the populations of the United Kingdom and Iceland combined!" This ex cert is taken from Michael Moore's Idiot Nation.   In my opinion he feels the way many educated American feel.  With forty-four million Americans being functioning illiterates; and two hundred million that can read but simply choose not to read. This shows the world that we go out of our way to "REMAIN IGNORANT."  During the time this paper was written our U.S. President was George W. Bush Jr.. A man in my opinion that has been one of the most saddest leaders of our great country to date.  The man said on national television that he was a mediocre  student at Yale.  Mind you he is saying this to the 2001 graduating class of Yale students.  Bush is quoted Saying, "And to the C students, I say you too, can be President of the United States!"  What kind of Idiot would make a statement like that to the future leaders of America?  Michael Moore is concerned about the state of education in our United States  of America.  I can't personally worry about the entire country.  All I can do as an individual is to learn all i can about the subject I've choose to study.  By gaining the knowledge I need to ensure my future and that of my family is successful and secure.  As an African American male in the United States i know the power of a good education.  I also know that the Voting Rights Act of nineteen sixty-five guaranteed equal voting rights for all African Americans.  I lost my right to vote because of criminal activities I envolved myself in.  I feel truly helpless knowing the fight being fought by my people; I can't take part in because I became part of George W. Bush's Idiot Nation.

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